Advertise With Us

We welcome advertising from everyone. 5800 copies are distributed across the town and rural district and The Crier is also available in Torrington Lidls, Torrington Library, Budgens and at Bideford's Library and Tourist Information Centre.

Why advertise in The Crier?

  • 5800 copies delivered door-to-door in Torrington, across the rural district and through Lidls, with a readership of 14,500
  • FREE entry into our new online business directory for regular advertisers
  • Every issue can be viewed online with clickable adverts to your website
  • FREE colour cover advert with 5 large adverts booked
  • Your special offers promoted FREE on our Facebook page
  • Affordable rates and FREE design of your advert

Should you wish to advertise in The Crier, please contact Esther Williams on or call 07912 693 858.

We would be grateful if advertisements could be supplied in digital format ready to print.  


 Advertising rate card 



Cost per issue


9cm wide x 5cm deep



19cm wide x 5cm deep


10% discount for a run of 5 adverts



All copy by 12 noon on the second Thursday of month the month before publication

If assistance with your advert is required, please supply copy by the first Thursday of the month

We print 10 issues per year; Aug/Sept and Dec/Jan are double issues